B.Sc., in environmental biology;
After degree in Environmental Health;
Currently completing a Master in Business Administration at the University of Alberta
Work Experience:
Public Health Inspector in Ontario and Alberta; Duties include food safety adult training, food facility inspection, environmental health impact assessments, infection control prevention, outbreak investigations, and liason between industry and government.
Food Safety Expertise;
Sanitation and Food safety supervisor for Canada Bread (subsidary of maple leaf foods) and food safety Specialist/government grant administrator with Alberta Agriculture. Certified as a HACCP auditor with the American Society for Quality. Certified as a Public Health Inspector with the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors. Guest lecturer on food safety and HACCP at Concorida University College in Edmonton.
Category: Other
Heather Gray
Heather has a 20 year background in law enforcement, serving in street patrol in a high crime urban area, becoming the first female hostage/crisis negotiator at her agency working with the tactical team, is a forensic child interviewer and investigator in an integrated child abuse unit.
Of course there are myriad other special assignments in her career, such as an overhaul of the entire service delivery model and operational projects such as murder for hire cases. She’s been the recipient of several commendations for bravery and for going above and beyond and for being calm under pressure.
After leaving policing, Heather sought out and subsequently trained with Gavin de Becker, the world renowned pioneer in the field of threat assessment and all manner of violence (workplace, interpersonal/family, bullying/harassment and stalking). Heather also served on Gavin de Becker’s faculty at the Advanced Threat Assessment Academy in California.
Heather has served and guided numerous corporate, organizational and individual clients through dangerous, high risk situations that required careful assessment and case management on an hour to hour or day to day basis. In some of those situations,
there was a need to pull in the entities required to form a multidisciplinary team, so as develop appropriate strategies for the situation to ensure the safety of all involved parties. Those have been highly successful and provided safe outcomes for all involved.
Additionally, Heather develops policies/procedures and reporting processes for clients so that all are up to date and compliant with relevant legislative requirements and that all pieces work together thus limiting vulnerability from litigation.
Heather has created customized curriculum specifically for corporate training needs in nearly every industry and sector and for all types of respectful workplace topics along with all manner of workplace violence issues ~ workplace violence, bullying and harassment, abuse of power, stalking and interpersonal violence, working alone and whistleblower protection.
Recently, psychopathy in the workplace programming has been added to the offerings. This is in response to the outing of the deleterious effects that faulty hiring practices through the ‘80’s and ‘90’s have contributed to poisoned and toxic workplaces where whole populations of targets have been harmed. Further, there’s now a triple generation of these faulty hiring practices, along with the related succession planning, that is showing that this phenomenon must be rectified. To do less leaves employees at risk of significant harm and organizations left vulnerable to failing to respond and open to litigation.
Heather is also a popular conference speaker where she delivers presentations on her own compelling personal stories, drawn from her first experiences becoming a police officer at a time when there were very few in Canada, and on through a career marked by tremendous highs of satisfaction for making real differences in so many ways. But, with that, comes many disturbing stories of what goes on behind the scenes. Her take on these is riveting and one that attendees will not soon forget.
She relives the impactful stories about the bare truth of how her life in policing and the violence brought by a corrupt organization destroyed all the gains made over 20 years. Following on, she explores how that debilitating abuse by her police family then bled over into her private family life and how it seeped into every aspect of her life and that of her extended family. The toll is immeasurable. At one point Heather and her son were relegated to homelessness as a direct result of illegal and immoral undertakings of those in power who were out to destroy her and even her young son. It’s the most twisted and compelling of stories.
Those are the basics. The reality and the stories you’ll hear are significantly compelling. Like nothing you’ve ever heard before.
Heather also brings to the speaking stage her expertise. She is available for engaging and enlightening presentations for any type of conference and for any group. Heather is mindful of the audience and thus carves her presentations accordingly. Often a keynote can be accompanied by a breakout session to address a particular issue with a smaller group for deeper focus.
Kevin Fleming
Kevin J. Fleming, PhD
Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D. is President & CEO of Grey Matters International, Inc., an international coaching, facilitation, and organizational effectiveness firm concentrating on rewiring the personal and corporate brain for a state of neuro-excellence�.literally. He is also the founder of �Assumptive Coaching�, an integrative model aimed at challenging the thinking underneath one�s thinking around change and complex systems inherent in decision making.
Dr. Fleming is also a well known critic on the ineffectiveness of business training, therapeutic, and coaching industries. He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame in clinical psychology, as well as completed a Postdoctoral Residency in Consulting Psychology from the University of Wyoming. Fleming’s work for the past ten years has been devoted to refining â��the neuroscience of leadership and behavior change in societyâ�� and assisting people in having the critical conversations that are driven by the internal dialogue within.
Utilizing alignment principles of human nature, virtues/ethics, and working with the ways of the brain, he is in the practice of moving individuals and organizations away from rote behavior toward areas of creativity and shared accomplishment.
“A man of unusually acute insight,
a much sought after executive coach … ”
“A wonderfully different and authentic approach
from the shrink who doesn’t like shrinks.”
Richard Koch, Bestselling Author of THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE
â��His writings is up there with the best and a must read for everyone who is tired of hearing what people “think” they want to hear. If you’re looking for dynamic change in your organization, get Doc Flemings cure!â��
Lord Phillip G. Wren, Chairman & CEO, United Publishing & Media Group USA
Fleming’s work produces profound behavioral and ethical changes, affirmed by its beneficiaries. He is an active critic of the 100 billion dollar a year training and coaching industry, which in general has little to show in terms of ROI. Fleming’s clientele includes such notables as a prominent Asian-American billionaire, a former White House official, top ranking CEOs, Hollywood executives, Juilliard musicians, politicians, and even NFL players and other professional athletes. He has produced an e-learning product for Targeted Learning Corporation, sharing the spotlight of innovative web-based seminars with the likes of Marcus Buckingham and Stephen Covey. He recently was asked to contribute as an expert to Chief Learning Officer magazine, the leading publication for organizational development executives worldwide. His radical call to transform on a meta-level the “thinking of business thinking” has been far reaching, as evident in a recent request to speak to the Ministers and Prime Ministers of Jordan and United Arab Emirates. The prestigious East West Institute, affiliated with the United Nations, is consulting his expertise on the applications of neuroscience to conflict resolutions and peace facilitation practices. His work on â��decision illusionsâ�� has also been utilized by Al Goreâ��s Climate Project and the President of Mexico
He has worked at the renowned high profile Beau Monde programs for executive development and transformation, which has been featured in Money magazine (August, 2006). Dr. Fleming�s writings and expert insights have been featured in some of the widest circulated publications internationally, including The New York Times, New York Daily News, Christian Science Monitor, CNN, Fox News,,, Consumer Health Journal, Prevention Magazine and Physician Executive. He contributes regularly to the Gately Newsletter, which emanates from a leading management consulting firm out of Boston, as well as being a regular columnist on �Transformation Insights,� with Executive Decision Magazine, a national innovative high end thought leadership magazine. He is Director of Innovation at the Family Business Institute. Dr. Fleming was asked to be a contributor to Success Is A State of Mind with renowned spiritual guru Deepak Chopra as well as a chapter contributor for a new 2008 book, Roadmap For Success, by Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard.
Dr. Fleming is an active member of the World Business Academy, Institute for Executive Development, American Society of Training & Development, and the American Psychological Association. His new book (The Half-Truth High: Breaking the Illusions of the Most Powerful Drug in Life & Business) is now released and available on Features a Foreword by NY Times bestselling author Tom Morris. This book has received noteworthy praise from Patch Adams (from the blockbuster Hollywood film starring Robin Williams), Harvard Business School Emeritus Professor Gerald Zaltman, as well as Dr. Joe Dispenza, featured scientist in the hit underground movie, What The Bleep Do We Know
J. Michael Drabiuk
Presently the CEO of Pure Fruit Technologies My background is in Complementary Medicine I have attained a Diploma in Naturopathic Medicine and Clinical Biofeedback. 20 years in Research and Development of Capillary Blood Analysis training provided to Clinicians in both the US and Canada. Background in teaching both classes in Business Development and Alternative Medicine (Iridology, Biofeedback, LBA and CRT)